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            News Guangdong

            Why we love Guangdong | Yangjiang, a city of happiness

            Why we love Guangdong | Yangjiang, a city of happiness

            2023-03-21 Source: newsgd.com Editor: Holly As a coastal city located in the west of Guangdong, Yangjiang is regarded as one of the happiest cities in China for 2022. With beautiful and romantic islands and numerous delicacies, Yangjiang is an ideal place to spend your holiday.
            Xi says China to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy, hi-tech

            Xi says China to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy, hi-tech

            Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China is ready to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy and hi-tech areas.
            Xi, Putin jointly meet the press

            Xi, Putin jointly meet the press

            Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin jointly met the press after their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on Tuesday.
            20 years after blatant invasion, U.S. crimes against Iraq still unpunished

            20 years after blatant invasion, U.S. crimes against Iraq still unpunished

            Though 20 years have passed since the United States launched a blatant invasion into the sovereign state of Iraq, justice has not been done for Iraq and its people, many of whom are still suffering from the pain created by the unjust war.
            High-quality Development 2023 Two Sessions

            Delegation of foreign consular corps, business community members in HK visits Dongguan

            Delegation of foreign consular corps, business community members in HK visits Dongguan

            A delegation from foreign consular corps in Hong Kong and business communities in China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) visited Dongguan from March 20 to 21.

            Thunder, gale, hail...Guangdong to see first convective weather of the year

            Thunder, gale, hail...Guangdong to see first convective weather of the year

            Severe convective weather is forecast to occur in Guangdong, bringing thunderstorms, gales and hail from the evening of March 22 to 24, according to Guangdong Meteorological Observatory.

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